Monday, May 15, 2006

In other words, I hate you

Girl: My love for you is greater than my desire to swim the ocean

Denton lobby

-overheard by Michael

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

And Here I Am, Thinking They are Interchangeable...

Girl: Did you say "whorebag" or did you say "Hornbake"?

--outside of Hagerstown

Overheard by Alyssa

Maybe He Likes it in There

Girl: You're in my bubble! You're in my bubble!

--outside CompSci

Overheard by Alyssa

I Hope She Wasn't at the Health Center

Girl: ...and then the animal sprawled, and the doctor was like 'Put it in the coffin.'

--The Diner

Overheard by: Tuna

Sunday, May 07, 2006

She also thinks the Pope isn't Catholic

Wife: Do you want to eat at Choopie?
Husband: That's not how you pronounce it honey, it's Mexican.
Wife: No it's not!

outside of Chipotle

-overheard by napoleon and keith

Saturday, May 06, 2006

It's Never Stopped Her Before

Sorority Girl1: You can sit on my lap!
Sorority Girl2 in short skirt: No I can't, I'm not wearing underwear.
Sorority Girl1: What??
Sorority Girl2 in short skirt: It was one of those things that just sort of happened when I was getting dressed, then I came outside and was like, why is it so cold? And then I realized...OOhhhh, that's why it's so cold.

Orange Bus

-overheard by Napoleon