Overheard In College Park
This is a Terrapin version of Overheard in New York Feel Free to email quotes to be published to nmartin1@mail.umd.edu I am aware that the creators of Overheard in NY have created several other similar sites, one of which I believe is entitled Overheard on College Campuses, but I would encourage the necessity of a local site that mentions places and situations to which we Terps can relate.
Monday, October 16, 2006
They Have Feelings Too, You Know
Girl: Why would you ever kick a squirrel?
Guy: I wanted to see if I could do it.
--outside Ellicott
Overheard by Alyssa
Bizarre Twist on a Horror Classic
Guy: It would be like The Hills Have Eyes, except with Koreans.
--Path by Shipley Field
Overheard by Alyssa
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Sad, But True
Guy: We're number one! ... In violent crime!
-Ludwig Field
Overheard by Juliet and Alyssa
I'm Not Even From Maryland and I Think this is Ridiculous
Little girl: She's so ghetto, she's from Montgomery county.
-Outside the women's bathroom at Ludwig Field
Overheard by Alyssa
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Don't Drop the SoaP
(The captain of the plane is bit by a snake)
Guy a Couple Rows Behind Me: "This movie's fucked up! Black people are supposed to die first!"
at 9:45pm showing of Snakes on a Plane at Hoff
overheard by Tom
Thursday, October 05, 2006
uhhh... Okayyy....
Guy at the counter: I'm sorry. Don't shoot the messenger.
Old Woman: I'd rather shoot the police...
-infront of the ID counter at the Mitchell Building
overheard by Tom